We all live such busy and noisy lives, therefore it is important that we find time to have quiet time. Being married adds a certain amount of busyness and noise to our lives. Making sure we are taking care of ourselves and those of our husbands’. Then when you add kids to the mix, our busyness and the noise levels go up a few notches. I know in my house the only time it is quiet is when my girls are asleep or not home.

In addition to our personal lives, we also live in a very busy and noisy world. With so much going on in our lives and in the world around us, it is so important to make sure we are getting some time away from all the busyness and noise.
Getting away from the noise allows us to not only practice better self-care, but also allows us to clear our minds. We often need to tidy our minds of clutter as much, if not more, than our homes. I have discovered three very important reasons why we all need quiet time.
1) Quiet Time Allows You To Just Be Still
I don’t know about you, but there are days when I feel like from the minute my feet touch the ground in the morning I am on the go. Whether it is taking my girls to school, one of many practices, running errands, going to the gym, church, and the list could go on and on.
Then by the time the day is over and my girls are in bed, I’m exhausted. God wants us to live abundant lives, not exhausted ones.
Be still and know that I am God;
Psalms 46:10a (KJV)
Being still is not only important for our mental and physical well-being, but also our relationship with God. When we are still, we can reflect on all the blessings God has bestowed on us. We have the time and opportunity to be grateful and thankful to God for it all. We are also able to not focus so much on our next to-do, but be grateful for the here and now. Our to-dos may be important, but so is the here and now.
2) Quiet Time Helps To Build Your Relationship with God

A relationship is a two-way street. God wants us to seek Him, pray to Him, and worship Him. Yet that is not all, He also wants us to listen to Him.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8a (NKJV)
Having quiet time allows us to hear from Him. God can speak to us in so many ways, yet one of the most powerful ways is through His Word. Taking the time daily to have quiet time with God and His Word will grow your relationship with Him. We all want to hear from God more, yet it is up to us most of the time to just listen.
3) Quiet Time Helps You To Find Clarity
This goes hand in hand with building your relationship with God.
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
Psalms 119:130 (ESV)
We are so often, for me daily, seeking God for clarity, discernment, wisdom, and understanding on different things and in different areas of our lives. The answers to many of our prayers can be found by just sitting down and having quiet time with God and His Word.
We often make things more complicated then they need to be. Allowing God and His Word to shine light on the different things and areas of our lives, can often take the complex and make it simple. Providing the clarity we are seeking.
When you choose to have your quiet time is totally up to you. I prefer early in the morning while my girls are still sleeping and the house is quiet. Yet the time you do is not as important as just finding the time have it. Having quiet time so you can be still, draw closer to God, and to find clarity are three awesome reasons to clear some time on your schedule. Clearing this time so you can have time to clear your mind is tidying at it’s finest.
I’d love to know how you spend your quiet time in the comments!

I absolutely agree about finding clarity when you have downtime. It is such a peaceful moment to gather your thoughts and pick up where you left off on a better note.
This is such a great reminder. I’ve been terrible about finding quiet time for myself.
I love nap time because it gives me time to clear my mind. I usually get my most creative ideas during that time.
With my crazy schedule this month , quite time is a must. I am thankful that I am able to have a quite time to be able to concentrate on things that I need done. Reading books is one thing that I also do.
I’ve been so bad about quiet time lately. With God and in general. Thank you for reminding me it’s not just a task, it’s necessary!
I have a mediation app and a bible app and both of these help me clear my mind and it allows me to be more productive when I do it!
It’s so hard to find quiet time, but it definitely should be on the top of everyone’s priority list because time with God is time with Love, Joy, and Peace. Most of all Love. <3
Sincerely Miss J
These days my Bible-reading time is during breakfast, when my one-year-old is safely contained to his high chair and is entertained with cheerios…I need to figure out a way to spend more time with God though bc that time is really just enough to read and reflect on the passage!
I have been there as well, Julie. Our kids keep us on the go so much, we have to make sure we are getting the time we need for ourselves and with God any way we can some days. That’s why as much as I am not a morning person, I now get up early enough to get the time I need and to get ready for the day before they do. It definitely wasn’t easy at first, but it is so worth it. ?
Oh yes! Taking time to be still is so important. We need that time in the quiet to draw near to God and hear Him. You are so right that when we spend time with Him, in his word and in prayer, He will answer us!
Yes, Naomi. Drawing near to God and listening to Him when we are near is so important. ?
So true my doctor tells me all these things all the time!
I’m glad to know I’m not alone in promoting quiet time and self-care, Susie. ?
This is such an important reminder to take time out. I always seem to be doing something and sometimes need to force myself to just BE. Love it. Thanks!!
Absolute truth! I love this reminder to slow down and take the time to just be. Great post!
Quiet time is SO important. On top of regular family life craziness, I also work in a very busy restaurant. There are times when I get home and all that I want is to just sit peacefully and breathe!
I love having quiet time it’s my way to recharge being an introvert! I like to read books or just sit outside and feel the warm breeze!
Jasmine 🙂
I always try to get quiet time, or time to myself and your reason #2 is something that I really want to work on. When I have alone time, I end up messing around on the internet, watching a show, or reading something not really worth my time. I crave to better my relationship with God, and I realize I need to embrace the quiet and listen and talk to God during this time.
I love this! I find that my quiet times helps me hear God and also helps me connect to Him and feel close.
Ayanna, This is just what I needed today. I have been very neglectful in my quiet time and I know it affects how I think and feel. This is something I need to change, so thank you for the reminders about why. As always, inspiring post and I appreciate it so much!
I stared meditating several weeks ago and I read somewhere that meditating isn’t you controlling your thoughts, it’s letting your thoughts not control you:)
It’s so hard to get or make time for but you are so right- we do need quiet time and it’s more than just needing to step away from the noise for a moment. It’s how we regenerate and allow ourselves to be ready to take on the next thing.
With 2 little boys who constantly need something from me, my quiet time has never been more valuable than now! Thanks for sharing!
Yes!! #1 was me last night! After a busy long holiday weekend – i think i sat for the first time last night. I had all of the noise off for about 1 hour and it felt amazing….sometimes it just gets to be too much!