Do you get overwhelmed and anxious at times? Do you search for ways to push through or overcome? When we are feeling stressed or hyper-focused on decisions to make or actions to take, helping others can bring clarity. You gain the ability to see the big picture and make wise decisions when you shift your focus to others.
Looking to serve others is a great way to find joy in your life. I have found tremendous joy in mentoring and coaching others. We might be surprised to discover how an encouraging text, chat over coffee, a phone call, discussions over meals, or focused meetings reveal an opportunity to serve others. When the needs or desires of others align with our knowledge and gifts, joy emerges.
Serving others is a foundational principle of the Christian faith. Jesus exemplified this during his life on earth.
This is an excellent reminder that life is about others. Sometimes we can serve out of obligation. This is most apparent in marriage or parenting because of our commitment to love and care for our spouse and kids.
Joy is not always apparent in the daily grind of being a spouse or parent. Yet, we should be grateful for God placing them in our lives because they enrich our lives in so many ways.
Jesus also speaks to the importance of including and blessing others that cannot repay us.
Our service to others should be paid forward, not looking for a return. We are investing in the future, where an eternal reward awaits. Yet, there is still joy now in helping to meet the needs of and serving others that grow, develop, and experience new things because of our service. That joy is a gift today and we are blessed beyond that according to the Word.
Teachers, mentors, and coaches in our lives have blessed us in so many ways with their service. We could never fully repay them. The service of others has blessed my life abundantly. I have moved from an ungodly marriage to a God-centered one, frivolous spender to financial steward, unemployed doctor to a thriving career because of others service unto me.
As we mature and grow in life, we can share that wisdom and experiences with others that may not be able to pay us back. This can take on many forms from personal to professional. I believe the greatest joy can be found when we use our gifts to serve and bless others.
I often use my gift of leadership to mentor and coach others in their marriages, finances, and careers. Recently, a mentee of mine landed her first professional job, which brought me joy. The time I invested in helping her to learn more about herself and the business she desired to pursue prepared her to realize the opportunity she sought. Doing my best to pay it forward.
I also love encouraging other marriages because of experiencing a broken one as a child and the power God can unleash when he is at the center. Ayanna and I invest in other marriages and pre-marital couples through counseling and coaching.
We find joy in helping others to solidify foundational marriage principles according to the Word and practical steps to realize joy. Pastors and mentors have blessed us tremendously through their teaching, life experiences, and resources to improve our marriage. Hence, we pay it forward by investing in others.
Your service can transform others lives for the better. Are we not blessed to be a blessing to others? Be encouraged to use your gifts and experiences to help others along their journeys! Jesus came to earth to serve, not to sit on an earthly throne to be served, so go ahead and experience joy in serving others!
I’d love to hear how serving others has brought you joy!
Karen says
There are so many ways that we can serve others every single day if we just take a minute to think about who we will come in contact with and how we can intentionally lighten another person’s load.
Jasmine Hewitt says
I love this reminder. I know it helps my soul to help others
Serving others is such a critical part of the Christian faith! I know personally, serving others with my husband is also a great way of strengthening our marriage. Thank you so much for encouraging me to start making this a practice again.
I couldn´t agree more, there´s no better way to improve our mood than helping another person out. When we shift the focus from ourselves to another, everything changes and we feel instantly uplifted when we realized we were able to better someone else´s situation and even if we didn´t do anything to better our own, it also gets magically improved!
Thanks for the precious reminder!
Such a great reminder, thank you for sharing!!
I am just starting to regain my faith again and this is so incredible. Thank you for the words of wisdom.
im a big supporter of paying it forward. it’s good for your soul to do good things expecting nothing in return
I take a week of vacation every year to volunteer at a day camp for type 1 diabetics — the same camp I’ve been going to since age six. I’m not paid in dollars, I’m paid in the experience, knowledge, friendships, and community that the camp has provided for the past twenty years. Every year I get to see the kids grow up a little more, deepen friendships, and just help out. I love it!
Yes! A great reminder to always help where you can. I think that this could be as simple as a friendly conversation and interaction with someone who needs it. I love your encouraging words!
Thanks Shannon for sharing and recognizing the simplicity in serving others! I appreciate your kindness too! E
Oh my
Gosh yes. I absolutely love seeing and volunteering. It’s made such a difference in my life!
This is such an encouraging post and a reminder of what serving others mean and the ripple effect it has.
Yes, there are multiple blessings that come from serving others indeed! Thanks Peachy. E
I couldn’t agree more! No matter how busy things get, helping someone else, whether it be a friend or someone needy, always brings me joy! It’s a great way to stay grounded too!
What a beautiful reminder of what joy can come from serving others!
Thanks Raina! E
I love this! I’m currently trying to find joy in my parenting. I am a stay at home mom to two young girls and sometimes it is so crazy and the days are long. But I am trying to remember each day that I will long for these days when they are older. It’s so hard being so needed but I know that God has blessed me with these two little ones and I want to be a joyful mama for them.
Thanks Amanda! I hear you on the parenting, it requires tons of energy and commitment where joy is not always readily apparent. May God continue to bless you and your daughters. E
This week is spiritual emphasis week at my kid’s school. They did a service project to show the importance of serving others.
Even if we can always do more we have to start somewhere…this is what my grandmom used to tell me. Helping others is so important these days, thanks fo your post x
This is such a great reminder of the power of gratitude, joy and serving others in love! This is a great life lesson I want to pass down to our children.
Sometimes we overthink this. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Sometimes the simple kindnesses are those that matter most in the life of another person. At least that’s what I’ve found to be true in my own life.
Thanks Lori! I couldn’t agree more, it can be very simple indeed. E
I wasn’t the best example of serving others for my older children. I hope to be different with this late comer who is now six. Thank you for the encouraging prompt to begin now.
You will Tami! I’m glad you were encouraged. God grants us grace and new mercies daily, a fresh start is always before us. E
You are SO right!! I love the feeling of being helpful, making someone’s life better or easier for whatever reason. Between my blog and a few local mommy facebook groups, that’s usually how I lend a hand, but I need to figure out some more hands-on volunteering to get my kids involved with as well!
Thanks Heather, glad you were encouraged! E
This post holds so much truth! I used to tutor kids after a long day of teaching but it felt great to make a difference in each of their lives! Very rewarding! You are doing a lot of good in this world. Keep it up! Xo
Thanks for sharing your experience Sarah! I appreciate your kind words. E
Yes! Using our gifts to serve enriches everyone. I think that when we recognize our gifts and are confident in them, we can best use them to bless others- I recently read a quote that stuck with me, “I had no right to indulge in a lack of confidence. It would only interfere with the task before me”. Living out our gifts fully and serving others through them despite busy lives and temptations for self doubt is a powerful and beautiful thing.
Yes, yes, and yes! Thank you Kelsey for sharing, very encouraging words. E
Some of the most memorable moments in my life have happened as the direct result of service. I love these thoughts and scripture verses so much!
Thanks Amy for your kind and encouraging words! E
When I serve others my love for them and humility in myself grows, and this brings me a lot of joy!
Thanks Melanie! I agree that our humility can grow as well, another blessing! E
This is a wonderful reminder to serve others. I’ve often found that it fills me up more than the receiver when I give of my time (with a happy heart). Thanks for your encouragement!
You’re welcome, April! Thanks for reminding us of the importance of attitude (with a happy heart). E