Have you ever taken a look in the mirror and wished you saw something different? The woman staring back at you is not the woman you thought she should be or would be by now. You may have entered the real world with all the confidence in the world, yet over time things have changed and so has that confidence.
The ups and downs of life can definitely change you. You left college ready to tackle the world, only to find out the real world was very different than the world you knew or thought it would be. This real world is filled with twists and turns that often leaves you questioning the choices you made, the relationships you have, and even the person you are.

It is this questioning and uncertainty that leaves you feeling lacking and causes that confidence you once had to take some major hits hit. Making it so important that in the midst of all the ups and downs we face in life, we are committed to finding ways to boost our confidence.
Here are 3 simple things to remember to boost your confidence. Reminders to not just help you gain more confidence today, but for all your days to comes.
1) Boost Your Confidence By Remembering Whose You Are
It is so easy to get caught up in your titles and the many hats you wear. Then when you make a misstep or things do not go according to plan, you start to question yourself and your confidence begins to wain. It is in those times we often lose sight of who really are and whose we are.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
You are a masterpiece! There is confidence and power in that alone. Holding on to that reminds you that even when the things and storms in life sway you, God has greater planned for you and you are already a masterpiece.
2) Remember How You Got Here
We all go through stuff. Some worth sharing and hanging our hats on. While others we wish never happened or could forget. Yet through all the things you have gone through, it is important to remember that it all has helped shape who you are today.
You have not only survived, but you have found ways to thrive. Things may not have always gone the way wanted or hoped for, but you are still here and standing. So be confident that even though you have been down or may feel that you are down now, you have and will get up.

Gaining confidence is not all about knowing how you will make it through today and the days to come. It is also about remembering the things you have already overcome. You may not know how now, but you do know that with God you have already gotten through your worst days. So you can confidently walk into your next days knowing He is still right there.
3) Remember You Are A Beautiful Work In Progress
No one arrives. By this I mean, no one gets to a certain point in life and there is nothing more for them to do. Even as we reach different milestones or have certain achievements in life, there is always another mountain to climb.
You graduated from college, great! Now you have to get a job to start you career. You get that job, great! Now you are looking at that next promotion. You met the man of your dreams and you get married, great! Now you have to work to keep you marriage healthy, growing, and filled with love. The list of now to the next could go on and on.
Both you and your life is work in progress. So build your confidence by remembering that this is not all there is. This low moment or season is not all there is, and God is not finished with you yet.
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you,
will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day
when Christ Jesus returns.
Philippians 1:6 (ESV)
Your life is a beautiful puzzle that you are still putting together. While we may not know what our picture will look like when it is all put together, we can confidently know that God does.
Remembering that you are a beautiful work in progress will help boost your confidence. It helps to remind you that today is just another piece in your puzzle. You may not know where all the pieces fit, but you have to remain committed to working with the pieces you have. Confident that your puzzle is a masterpiece.
It is often these little reminders in life that help us to refocus and prioritize. Remembering whose you are, what you have been through, and that your beautiful puzzle is still being put together cannot just help to boost your confidence, but help to change your life. Allowing you to look from now to beyond with both confidence and excitement about what is to come.
I’d love to know what helps you when you need
a boost in confidence in the comments!

Hi, I am new here and was good to read this today. Tomorrow I go into the hospital for a cardiac ablation so remembering the ups and downs and keeping my confidence and trust in God….just another piece to my puzzle!
I am so glad this was able to speak to you right when you needed it, Martha. I pray for a speedy recovery and I hope you will not be a stranger.
Remembering that we are a work in progress is such a big help! It’s too easy to get caught up in past mistakes or regrets. One thing that helps me to be confident is to remember sometimes that Christ died for me while I was still a sinner (Rom 5) – I’m not perfect now and I wasn’t perfect then! But, He still loved me!
Yes, Bethany! I have to remind myself of the same thing often.
I love your last point. A beautiful ‘work in progress’. I forget that sometimes. Thank you! Great article!
I often forget it as well, Lisa. And thank you for your kind words. 💕