Have you ever heard the saying ‘Faith that is not tested cannot be trusted’? I can remember when I first heard it, I was not too sure how true it really was. Yet, when the next hard time hit. I was looking for strength and direction I realized how true this statement was. Keeping faith during hard times is not easy, but it is often when your faith grows the most.

Hard times, storms in life, or crises are not new to any of us. I know you have many stories to tell of times when life has been overwhelming and hard. Whether those times were affecting you as a woman. Being overlooked, mistreated, or cast aside. Whether those times were affecting you as a wife. Times, when you and your husband are struggling in your communication, your finances, or some form of betrayal has occurred.
Whether those times were affecting you as a mom. You have a newborn that just will not sleep at night. Your child is being bullied in school. Or your child just went off to college and your home is now quiet. The list can go on and on.
As a woman, wife, and mom, I can honestly say I have struggled and experienced hard times in so many areas. Along with times feeling like I am going through several hard times all at once. The most recent has been with the pandemic. Having the world and all the things we call normal stopping. I struggled as a woman to find peace and see where God is in all of this. As a mom, I struggled with my girls no longer being able to go to school, and now all we have is virtual.
(girls & computers pic)
As a wife, I have struggled with all the together time at home and going out for dates becoming a thing of the past. All these struggles and so many others over the years have tested my faith. While also showing me that my tested faith has grown my faith and allowed me to trust God more.
By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.
2 Peter 1:3 (NLT)
Faith is like a muscle. It grows and is strengthened when we have to use it and rely on it, especially during hard times. However, during storms and even crises, it is important that you are intentional about strengthening and growing your faith. Here are 5 things you want to remember to help you grow your faith during hard times.
Quiet Time Is Non-Negotiable
Seeking and spending time with God is so important to your faith and relationship with God. Yet, it often one of the first things pushed to the back burner when the things in life start to become overwhelming. It is easy as women, wives, and moms for us in the middle of hard times to put on our Superwoman cape. Then try to save the day.

You can see the problem. You think you have a solution. Then all you now need to do is to put your plan in action. While having a plan and the ability to put it into action is great. This cannot replace or push to the back burner your need to spend quiet time with God first.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8 (NKJV)
In the hard times, that is when you need to draw nearer to God the most for two very important reasons. The first is to give you the peace and the strength you need to endure. Storms in life often come without warning and often stay around way longer than you want them to. So it is necessary that you are able to endure.
The second reason is that you need guidance on what your next action step should be. There are times when God will call you to just be still and wait on Him to act. Yet there are also times when He wants you to go into action. You just have to seek Him to ensure you are taking the right steps.
Continuing to seek God in those times when life seems to be the hardest is so important. So you can continue to grow in your faith, endure, and overcome the hard times.
Silence In Necessary To Hear God And Grow Your Faith During Hard Times
In a world filled with so much busyness and noise, silence is often rare. Even when you finally get to the end of your day and lay down to sleep, that is when your own thoughts and worries seem to be the loudest. All the noise and voices often add to the stress you often experience during the storms in life and feeling overwhelmed.
Making it important that you are intentional about silencing the external and internal noise, especially during the hard times. The noise can often drown out the most important voice you need to hear, God’s.
Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him.
Pslam 37 :7 (MSG)
When you seek God in your quiet time and are intentional about incorporating silence in that time, God can also help you filter through the other voices. The words and thoughts of others and your own that you need to ponder and hold onto, like God’s word and positive affirmations. And those that you need to let go of.

Words have so much power. So you have to be mindful of those that can help you to strengthen and grow in your faith during challenges. While not forgetting that you have to also allow times of silence for you to just sit with and hear from God directly.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Prayer
This goes hand in hand with you seeking God for yourself. Although it may seem at times that you are the only one going through hard times, that is so far from the truth. In a world filled with only sharing the best and the seemingly perfect moments, especially on social media, it is easy to not see the struggle.
We all struggle in different ways as women, wives, and moms. It may not be easy to talk about or to share, but it is so important that you do. Your faith is also growing when you are in relationship with God and with other believers. A part of being in a relationship is being open, honest, and transparent.
One of the best ways to do that is to ask others to pray for you when you are going through hard times.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
James 5:16 (KJV)
Asking others to pray for you, whether that is your husband, friend, family member, or even me, helps to grow both your faith and theirs. It helps to draw you both to God in prayer and when you see those prayers answered it gives you a testimony to share. Both of how you endured and overcame the hard time. While also showing you both how God still answers prayers.

This is something that so many may need to be reminded of especially when it seems like you have been praying about something for a long time without an answer. Do not forget that your asking for prayer may able be an answer to prayer for someone else.
Scripture Hits Different At Different Times
Have you ever been reading the Bible or heard someone reference a certain scripture that you may have read or heard many times before, but for some reason at that moment it just hits you a little different? Well, this is especially true during hard times.
I was recently doing a Bible study on Genesis and thought it would be a breeze. I have read Genesis several times and know many of the stories. Yet, it was not until reading Genesis while in the midst of the pandemic that God revealed so many new things to me. I was able to connect with Hagar and Joseph in ways that challenged me and grew me.

The Bible does not change, but because we grow and change as people those same words can show and teach us new things at different times.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105 (NKJV)
In addition to spending quiet time with God, praying, and seeking others to pray for you, do not forget to keep reading God’s Word. Reading the Bible with an open mind and open heart during your hard times opens opportunities where God can use His Word to both change and strengthen you.
God Still Speaks Through People To Help Grow Your Faith During Hard Times
As you draw nearer to God in your quiet time, prayer, and Bible study during hard times it can be easy to draw away from others. You want to be intentional about hearing God’s voice and filtering others, but it is important to not forget that God still speaks through people.
Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV)
Not just through pastors and other spiritual leaders, but God can also speak to you through your husband, friends, books, YouTube videos, podcasts, and the list can go on and on.

So during hard times, do not forget that growing faith in God is not to be done in isolation. Surround yourself with people, media, and books that encourage and enlighten you.
One of my favorite things to do when I am struggling with something is to do a devotional either about that topic or another area I want to grow in. I often even ask my husband or a friend to do the devotional with me as a way to keep myself encouraged. There are so many devotionals out there, some of my favorites, and others I have yet to discover.
If devotionals are not your thing, try finding a small group or joining a FaceBook community. The options for you to stay in community and provide opprotunities for God to speak to you through others are endless.
There are few things that we know to be certain. We know that storms in life will come. We also know that God promises to be with us in the middle of all of them. So whether you are currently going through a hard time or one is on the horizon, do not forget these 5 things to help you to endure and add to your faith.
- Quiet time with God is a must
- You need to quiet the noise
- Ask for prayer
- Scripture speaks to you differently at different times
- God still speaks through people
I’d love to know which one of these you will hold more closely to the next time you go through a hard time in the comments!

Beautifully written and great advice!
Thank you, Kelly.
These are great tips for growing your faith during hard times. I really liked what you said about scripture hitting differently at different times. That is so true!
Thank you, Charissa, and the it definitely something that I have come to learn especially during the hard times.
Great post! I love the verse about God giving us everything we need for life and godliness. Such rich truth! It’s comforting. And I totally agree that Scripture speaks to us at different times in our life.
Thank you, Lisa. It is so important for use to go to scripture and allow it to give it the comfort that only it can.
I loved your second comment about how it’s important to simply be silent sometimes. I heard a similar message in a YouTube video this week talking about how prayer is like a conversation and if you talk the whole time, there’s no space to hear what God is saying to you, and it’s so true! These are all great tips!
Thank you, Genesis. Giving yourself that silent time with God is so important and I am so glad that others are encouraging it as well.
This is a lovely post! I think my biggest takeaway is that quiet time with God is a must. It’s been hard to have an alone moment this last year and when I do get them, I tend to escape into a book or something entertaining. But, I realize that I’ve been missing those quiet opportunities to reflect and pray and just have a conversation with God. It’s really been on my mind lately. Thanks for the gentle push!
I’m so glad that this gave you the gentle push you needed, Linda. You are definitely not alone with needing that time in the day to escape. That is why I have to have my quiet time in the morning because if I don’t I will miss it as well.
I started the year with quiet time every morning, but I’ve fallen away from that lately. I need to get back into it!
You are not the only one, Kelly. WHen life gets busy and crazy at times it easy to let it go. But God is always there for us and you can draw nearer to Him at any time. 💗