Just like we grow as women over the years, we also grow as wives. During the different seasons of marriage, we gain new insights and grow in new ways. Whether you have been married for 5 years or 50 years, you are not the same women or wife you were when you first got married. The confident wife you once were may have changed as well.

I can remember when my husband, Eric, and I first got married. There was not too much anyone could tell me about marriage or being a wife. I figured since we were both getting married for the first time and there were no marriages or wives I knew that I felt inspired to model after, I could totally rock this wife life all by myself. I was not lacking in confidence. LOL.
Yet, as time went on and life happened, I realized how wrong I was. I learned that this married life was not going to be a walk in the park, and the confidence I once had taken some major hits. The ups and downs of life and marriage quickly showed me that I was not truly the confident wife I thought I was.
Once I stopped holding on to that false sense of confidence and started to boost my confidence as a woman, I also realized the three keys to being a more confident wife at all stages and during any season.
Key #1 To Being A Confident Wife Is Remembering You Are A Treasure
With the many hats you wear as a woman, it can be so easy to lose sight of your wife hat and the treasure you are to your husband and your family. The things you do have become such a big part of who you are, that who you are can get lost.
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
She is more precious than rubies.
Proverbs 31:10 (NLT)
You are virtuous. You are capable. You are precious. Making you treasure!
Now I know it would be great if this treasure was always celebrated and acknowledged in your home by your husband. Yet, that is not always the case. Not because he does not view you as a treasure, but because we often all become too familiar and the treasure you are is just viewed as who you are. Which is totally TRUE. Being a treasure is a part of who you are. However, it still needs to be celebrated. So start with doing it yourself first!

By both celebrating and embracing the treasure that you are helps you to both boost your confidence and become a more confident wife. While also encouraging your husband to do the same.
Remembering You Are The Perfect Fit For Your Marriage is Key #2
In the world of social media and all the many images we see on television and in movies, it is so easy to want, seek, or strive for more, different, or someone else’s. Both for ourselves and our relationships. While we can be inspired by others to want and seek more, we have to make sure it stays at inspiration.
No one is perfect or has a perfect marriage. All people and marriages have and will go through their own set of challenges and endure different storms. Some you know about and see glimpses of. While others you do not and may never see. Each marriage is uniquely beautiful and the two people in it.
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.
I will make a helper who is just right for him.”
Genesis 2:18 (NLT)
Yes, God made you uniquely for the husband and the marriage you have.

Does this mean there are no areas and ways in which you need to grow as a wife? No. Does this mean there are no areas and ways you and your husband need to grow in your marriage? No. It just means you can be the confident wife God created you to be while growing into who God wants you to be daily.
Key #3 To Being A Confident Wife Is Remembering You Are The Prize
Yes, YOU!! Not the things you do. Not the titles you hold. Or the awards you may have won.
The man who finds a wife finds a treasure,
and he receives favor from the Lord.
Proverbs 18:22 (NLT)
As a wife, you are not just a treasure, but you also bring favor to your husband. Your husband and your family are blessed because of you. So embrace that and be confident in that.
The treasure and blessings you bring to your husband and your family may look different from other wives. That is not just ok, but that should be embraced and celebrated.
As wives, we have to support and encourage each other. Building circles and communities of confident and connected wives. While holding onto these three keys and giving loving reminders when one of us forgets.
I’d love to know, as a wife, what is one area
you could be more confident in the comments!

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