Setting goals seems to be the it thing to do. Whether it is at the beginning of a new year, you are entering a new season of life, or you just want to see things change in your life. During all these times, setting goals seems like the best thing to do. I happen to agree. We all often set relationship goals, family goals, and even financial goals. Yet how often do you set goals that are just about you? Do you set personal goals?

As women, it is often so easy to set goals with others in mind. Whether you want to improve your relationship with your husband, kids, or friends. Even our financial goals can often be centered on others. Your goal may be to pay off debt to gain some financial freedom. But with that goal, you also want to be able to help and give to others as well.
Doing for others is great and may come from your love for people. Yet, in the midst of doing for others, you have to make sure you are taking care of yourself in the process.
Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.
Proverbs 21:5 (MSG)
One way to make sure you are making the right plans and staying on your own to-do list is to set personal goals. Goals that are non-negotiable and help to equip you to achieve all the other goals you have set for yourself. There are three personal goals that you need to set every year.
Personal Goal #1 Is Making Self-Care A Priority
It is hard to care for others when you are not taking care of yourself. We all know we have practice self-care and we cannot pour out of an empty cup as the old saying says. Yet, if you are not intentional about self-care and truly make it a goal you are working towards it will not happen.
You may start to notice yourself making time for everything and everyone else. Slowly emptying your own cup and finding it hard to find the time to fill your cup. I know because it happens to me. Especially with a career-driven husband, three very active daughters, and a business.

Over the years, I have found myself at different times at the point of exhaustion because I have not taken the time to practice the self-care I needed. Whether that is getting up early to have quiet time with God before the busyness of my house starts. Or taking time to spend with or talk to a friend. Doing things that bring you peace and joy is a must.
Therefore in the busyness of life and trying to get all the things done, make sure you are setting the personal self-care goals you need to so you are able to achieve all the other goals you want to.
Goal #2 Is Setting Health Goals
Your health and well-being are also essential in providing you the ability to do all that you want and need to. The health goals you set should include both your physical and mental health. A physical health goal could be as simple as committing to exercising a certain number of times a week, either at the gym or at home with YouTube.
While a mental health goal could be you committing to not getting on social media at certain times or taking 5-minute time outs throughout the day to just clear your mind. No matter how big or small, setting health goals for yourself is a must on the list of your personal goals. Keep in mind that by setting health goals for yourself and working towards them you are providing a great example for others, especially those in your home.
Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity,
Titus 2:7 (ESV)
As a mom of three daughters, it seems I always have someone watching and taking note of what I do and do not do. So when my daughters see that I am making my health a priority, it shows them that they should as well.
Whether it is exercising, drinking more water, or not eating certain foods. All things that may seem minor now, but will help them grow into healthy adults. So remember that although your personal goals are just about you, they provide an example for others that may need to make positive changes in their lives as well.
Must Set Personal Goal #3 Learn Something New
We are never too old to learn something new. By taking time to learn something new you find yourself growing in so many ways. Whether you want to learn something about yourself, to better your relationships, or to further your career or business. The options and the means by which you can do so are endless.

One of my favorite ways to learn is by reading books. There are so many options and you read a book when and where you like. You would be amazed at how much you can grow and learn sitting in the comforts of your own home.
You can also learn something new by taking a class or course, whether online or in person. The opportunities for you to learn, grow, and potentially gain a new skill are endless. So make sure to take the time to make this a personal goal.
The possibilities and options for the personal goals you set are endless, it is just up to you to choose. Once you choose the self-care, health, and growth personal goals you want to set, write them down on this goal sheet, and get to work. You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish and how great you feel when you put yourself back on your to-do list.
I’d love to know what is one personal goal you are set for this year in the comments below!

I loved this! My favorite is #3 because we need to keep growing no matter what. I love to learn new things. It makes life interesting and a lot more fun. 🙂
I’m with you, Robyn. I love learning new things too.