Budgeting and I have not always been friends, especially when my husband, Eric, and I first got married. Like most people, once I graduated from college and got my first real job I thought I was set. I was finally making real money and could start to do all the things I always wanted to do. Using a budget seemed so restricting and would prevent me from truly living life. Yet, that is so far from the truth.
After learning what true stewardship meant and taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University course (FPU), I realized that having a budget is essential in the journey to financial freedom. There are a lot of budgeting tools and sheets out there, so finding the best one is key. I believe the best budgeting sheet out there is the FPU Monthy Budget Sheet for two important reasons.
#1 The FPU Monthly Budget Sheet Is The Best Because It Accounts For So Many Things
I do not know about you, but my monthly spending is often all over the place. We have our major bills, like the mortgage, insurance, utilities, groceries, etc. Then we also have all of the other things we have to account for like, kids clothing because they seem to grow daily.
There is also gas, doctor bills, babysitting, gym memberships, swimming lessons, allowances, and the list goes on and on. So the only way your budget can be truly effective is if it takes into account all of the things in your life that have to be budgeted for.
Although there are times when we wish our lives were simple, the truth is they aren’t and our budgets cannot be too simple either. If you are using a budget sheet that is too simplified it can become too easy to not account for all the things you need to budget for. Then you find yourself going over budget repeatedly because you did not take everything into account you should have.
For example, when I first started budgeting everything I bought at the grocery store would come out of my grocery budget. Then I would find myself constantly running out of grocery money and I did not understand why. I was meal planning, shopping the sales, and couponing.
Yet I was finding myself coming up short repeatedly. Until I realized that I was not just buying food at the grocery store. I was also buying paper goods, cleaning supplies, and hair care products. These are all things we needed, but not food.
So I started to budget for all these things separately. It has made a huge difference in me both staying in budgeting and planning for my families needs correctly.
#2 The FPU Monthly Budget Sheet Is The Best Because Tithing, Charity, & Offerings Are Listed First
The biblical principle of tithing is something that my husband and I learned early on in our marriage. Tithing is simply giving a tenth or 10% of your income to your local church.
As a person who often likes to test my limits, how could I not test God in this? My husband and I have been faithful tithers for years. We have seen God work in and through our finances to do way more with 90% than I could have ever done with the 100% on my own.
Also as a Christ follower, it is important to follow God’s Word and to be a good steward of the resources He has blessed us with. It is a joy to not just give to my local church, but to also give to others that God lays on our hearts.
I also had to realize the putting your tithe and giving in your budget is not about legalism, it’s about practicality. How can you effectively steward what you have if you are not taking into account all that you are giving, spending, and saving?
Having the right the right tools to budget your finances effectively is so important. By using the FPU budget sheet, found here, you will have to best tool out there to help you budget and be able to successfully continue on your journey towards financial freedom.
I’d love to know if you have taken FPU, used the FPU budget sheet,
or what is your favorite way to budget in the comments!
Thanks so much for providing this link. I have been working on being more stringent and diligent with my budget. Paper goods, deodorant, soap, etc have always needed a separate category for me as well. I need to find a Dave Ramsey course near me. I truly appreciate your budget emphasis over the last few weeks. It has been heavenly reinforcement if you will.
This is so cool! I really need to start to get my finances in better order.
The start of the new year is always a great time to start, Emily. 💕
Budgeting is so important and finding the right system is essential. My husband and I use a different system that works well for us but I have a lot of friends/family who use the FPU system and they love it.
This is such a great resource to share! I definitely need to do some budgeting. I love the detail.
This looks very helpful and useful, thank you!!
Oooh I love how detailed this is! I have the same struggles, there is no easy answer to a budget and it cannot be simplified unfortunately. This looks like a great option!
So true, Dawn. Finding what works for you it what’s most important.
I’ve never tried Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University even though I’ve wanted to, and I’ve heard SUCH great things about it! The only thing that’s holding me back from trying it is I heard that it’s a cash system, and I NEVER carry cash! Do you find that to be a drawback?
Going to the cash system definitely takes some adjusting because I did not carry cash before either, Sina. But once we committed to FPU system after a while I couldn’t imagine not using the cash system now. I know there are a lot of banking apps now that can help you manage your finances like the cash system, but without actually using cash. I would look into it because FPU is a great program and I wouldn’t want you to not benefit from it just because of the cash envelope system.
I always think its a great idea to keep a budget. I keep both a spreadsheet, a Mint account, and a running tally of pending charges – I am a little over the top about it, I know!
Doing what works for you is what’s most important, Jenni. I have heard some great things about Mint.
Wow, those budget sheets really do look like the include everything! I love that tithing is listed first. I’ve seen so many instances of people not having enough money to pay bills or anything else start to tithe, and miraculously the bills get paid and they have money left over. Tithing is so important, and it’s great to see a sheet that puts that first!
This looks so helpful! I am terrible at budgeting but luckily my husband is the exact opposite.
I started the Dave Ramsey FPU several years ago and love it. Although I have my own system now, he really started my base, and I agree! This is a great resources!
That’s a great budget sheet! I lovelovelove that it prioritizes giving!
Me too, Erica. It helps me to keep giving a priority as well.
Having a guide sheet for budgeting is so helpful. I used an app for awhile that I enjoyed, but somehow got away from it. And yes to tithing. We can’t afford NOT to. Thank you for sharing. xo
I really need to start writing and sticking to a budget. I love how easy and simple this sheet looks! I need to try it.
Ive never heard of FPU – although I read Dave Ramsey books quite a while ago. For us, my income is not consistent, so that def presents a challenge. When I am making more money, I want to indulge more 🙂
I love how this is organized. This is a good reminder to do this for a few months for my family so we can really see where everything is going. Thanks!
Nice article.
Great job.
keep it up.
This looks like a great budget sheet! Thanks for sharing!
It is, Jessica. 💕
This budget sheet looks awesome. So very helpful. Thanks so much for this!
It is a great addition to anyone’s budgeting tools, Shan. 💕
Could not agree more! I just started FPU on Monday!! Can’t wait to keep on learning!
I need this budget sheet in my life! It accounts for a lot!!!
I think we all do, Belle. 💕
Sounds like a great budget sheet!
It is, Rebecca. 💕
I’m guilty of budgeting all the items I buy at the grocery store as “grocery.” I have a bit bigger grocery budget to account for that. But always go over when things like toilet paper and paper towels and laundry detergent are needed all at one time. Or medicine/ vitamins….this just happened yesterday.
I think I need to take your advice and set this up a little differently. We use excel to budget now but started with the FPU sheets.
I love budget sheets. I need the organized lists to keep track of everything. I haven’t sen this set before but I sure do like it.
Never used a budget sheet, but this looks so helpful!
Have heard wonderful things about FPU but have never gone through it. My husband is a master budgeter. We record every. single. receipt. against our budget spreadsheet and have “quarterly review meetings”. Cramped my style when we first got married, but we have no debt.
That cash flow sheet is definitely helpful!
It is awesome, Maire. 💕
This budget sheet is the bomb! Yes, I am a penny pinching, budget keeping Mama. A little OCD if you will… But I am human being and forgetfulness can be my friend at times. I love Dave Ramsey and this thing is packed with items that I would’ve never thought of. LOVE IT!
Yes! Having a budget is so important and the easiest way to do it is with a really nice, neatly organized system. Love that you have it all together in one binder and one place.
Having everything in one place is so important, Leah. Finding a simple way that works for you keeps you motivated and from being overwhelmed.
Like this sheet because there is always something that I forget to include and this helps jog my memory. We subscribe to couple magazines. I even include those in our budget.
That’s awesome, Candy! I love this sheet as well because it makes me look at all the areas of our finances and life.