Having a vision for your life is so important. Not only does it help to provide direction, but allows you to see potential misalignment with your dreams and goals. We all have a vision for our family, places we want to go, things we want to do, experiences we want to have, the legacy we want to leave.

But like me, you have probably had never set down with your husband to talk about it and see what that vision actually looks like. Making a family vision board is not only a fun way to spend time with your husband, but allows you both to get on the same page about where you see yourselves going as a family and how to get there.
Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
Amos 3:3
Eric and I went on a marriage retreat some time ago, and one of the things we were asked to do by the speakers, was to make a marriage vision board. Through that exercise, we discovered how very different we see in our marriage. It was truly one of those ‘men are from Mars and women are from Venus’ moments.
However, we also discovered how passionate we are about our marriage and family, and how we need to be more intentional in our actions. Then on our way home from the retreat, we discovered that is also important to have a clear vision for our family. Making a family vision board was the best way for us to bring that vision to life and keep as a reminder.
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Supplies You Need For Your Family Vision Board:
1) a “board” (this can be a poster board, foam board, corkboard, or whatever you choose)
2) old magazines
3) scissors
4) “glue” (this can be anything you want to use to hold your images glue, tape, push pins, or whatever)
5) large space to work
This is the part where you can get really creative.
The supplies you use can go from being very simple things you probably already have around the house, to as fancy as you want to make it. I chose to use a framed cork board I found at Micheals and push pins to make our family vision board because I wanted to hang it up in our office space. But regardless of the supplies you use, the time you spend together working on it makes it worth it.
Making The Family Vision Board
Once the kids have gone to bed and you have space and time, it’s time to get to work. Both you and your husband take a small stack of magazines and start going through them. You are looking to cut out images and/or quotes that speak to you and the vision you have for your family.
While doing this don’t start off by making the two mistakes we did.
The first one was having too many magazines.
We started with so many magazines, we got tired just looking at them. So I had to just throw some away before we actually started.
Our second mistake was having the tv on. It was too much of a distraction. So if you are going to have anything on, just put on some background music.
Then once you each have gone through your stack of magazines, switch stacks. Once you have all your images and quotes cut out, lay them all out on a large surface. Then you each go through them explaining why it spoke to you and your family vision. Now, this is the fun and eye-opening part.

There will be some that you both see eye to eye on and definitely belong on the family vision board, and some you don’t. The reasons you disagree will vary.
I found that some pictures may be more about a personal vision you may have, or a vision for your marriage and not necessarily your entire family. Or you just don’t see the same things. Either way, it is okay that you do not agree on them all.
Just remember that in order for anything to go on the family vision board you must both share the vision for your family.
Sharing The Vision Is The Key!
The family vision board is all about a shared vision. You and your husband coming together and agreeing on the future direction and vision for your family. That vision will be as special and as unique as you are. So enjoy the time you’ll spend together and the unexpected things God will show you while creating your family vision board.
And don’t forget I’d love to hear about your family vision board in the comments!

This is such a great idea! My hubby and I should make one!!!
Yes, Erica, it so much fun! 💕
Vision boards are so helpful! I have one for myself. A family one is a great idea!
I love the idea of a family vision board! it really helps to keep everyone’s goals in line and working together. great idea!
I did this once at a career workshop and loved the exercise! If I could convince my husband to do this, it would definitely be fun…although the only magazines I have are cooking magazines 😉
I’ve always wanted to do a vision board! This is a great idea in the new year… Im selfish though I want to do my own 🙂 no LOL I think this weekend we are going to do something like this – or goals, intentions, as induviduals and as a family!
I love this. We talk a lot about our visions and hopes for the future, but I think actually creating a vision board will make them more real – more tangible. I’m definitely going to create one, although most likely a digital vision board. Thanks for the great idea!
What a great idea! It’s so funny, I’m a full time designer and before I design ANYTHING I make a vision board and yet I NEVER thought to make one for my family. I think my husband will get a big kick out of this too – looking forward to this project.
What a great idea! I could see this being really useful to sync up your vision with your spouses.
This is great idea totally going to try this out!
What a great idea! People tend to be so visual so this is especially nice for those relationships where communication is a struggle and you have a hard item being on the same page.
Oooh, I love this idea! For us, we could do a visual representation of our Sanity Plan 🙂
I make a vision board for myself… but I never thought to do one with my family! Such a great idea!!!
What a neat idea!! I am all about vision and planning, but I’ve never thought to do something so visual like this. I love that you can have this front and center in your home so your family is constantly reminded of what you stand for and are working towards. I’m so glad you shared this!
This is a really great idea!
One Awesome Momma
Great post! I love the idea of making sure you and your spouse are both on the same page. Having the visual reminder of what your both working towards is a great idea!
So cool! Definitely going to do this!
Great idea Ayanna! Nicely written as well. 🙂
Thanks Nanci! I’m so glad you stopped by and I hope you plan to come back soon.
I absolutely love this idea! I will definitely be doing this one! I think I will bring this up to my fiance to start now! We are both finishing up college and working and it can be so busy. It’s always great to remind yourself of the end goal! 🙂
I like this and will be on my list for when I get married! ✔️
Great! I wish I had done this at the beginning of my marriage. It definitely helps to know that you are both on the same page, are going in the same direction, and share the same family vision. And when new opportunities arise, you can quickly determine if it fits your family and the vision you have for it.
So many great vision board options.